Cisco Configuration Blueprint – Single-Homed CE Device with EBGP


In this example, we will show recommended configuration for a Single-homed Single CE device using private AS with an upstream ISP. It is assumed that management of this device will be performed from a dedicated server residing within Customer’s Network.

This type of setup is quite common in an environment where a dedicated firewall performing source NAT function is setup to protect customer infrastructure.

Cisco Single Homed CE
Cisco Single Homed CE

Please note, that the Management Station is connected directly to the LAN interface for illustration purpose only. In real production deployments, Management Station must be protected by a firewall.

BGP Configuration

BGP configuration can be split in the following tasks:

  • Accept the default route from the ISP while discarding all other advertisements that might be sent to your CE
  • Advertise your subnet ( while making sure that no other routers are erroneously injected
  • Secure BGP session by configuring a MD5 key

The actual configuration is comprised of the following blocks:

  1. Configure Two prefix lists – one with the subnet you’ll advertise upstream and the other one with the default route you’ll be receiving from your ISP:
ip prefix-list default-only seq 10 permit

ip prefix-list originated-out seq 10 permit


  1. Configure BGP session with prefix-filtering and MD5 session protection
router bgp 111100

 bgp log-neighbor-changes

 network mask

 neighbor remote-as 100

 neighbor description PE2

 neighbor password 7 14141B180F0B

 neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound

 neighbor prefix-list default-only in

 neighbor prefix-list originated-out out


Securing the Router

Next step is to secure the router itself. But default, it will pass any traffic (with some exceptions, not covered in this article) and accept connections from anywhere on the Internet. Your job is to make sure that only trusted sources can communicate with your device (control plane protection) and spoofed traffic is not allowed in and out of your network (data plane protection).

Data Plane Protection

  1. Configure access-list to block spoofed traffic originated on the Internet:
ip access-list extended martians

 deny   ip host any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

! ßLocal Traffic, should not be arriving from the Internet à 

 deny   ip any

 permit ip any any
  1. Configure interface with security commands and uRPF on the LAN interface. Note that ‘no ip unreachables’ will block traceroute.
interface GigabitEthernet2

 description 'CE5->PE2'

 ip address

 no ip redirects

 no ip unreachables

 no ip proxy-arp

 ip access-group martians in

 negotiation auto


interface GigabitEthernet3

 description 'LAN Segment'

 ip address

 no ip redirects

 no ip unreachables

 no ip proxy-arp

 ip verify unicast source reachable-via rx

 negotiation auto


Control Plane Protection

  1. Configure Logging; Enable SSH and SNMP access-lists, disabled unnecessary services and protocols:
no ip http server

no ip http secure-server

ip route

ip ssh rsa keypair-name ssh-key

ip ssh version 2

logging host

access-list 10 permit

snmp-server community t0ps3crrr3t RO 10

line vty 0 4

 access-class 10 in

 exec-timeout 11 0

 password d0ntt3ll

 login local

 transport input ssh



  1. Configure Control Plane (CPP) Protection
! Routing Protocols (BGP)

access-list 120 permit tcp any gt 1024 host eq bgp

access-list 120 permit tcp any eq bgp host gt 1024 established

! Management Protocols (SSH, SNMP)

access-list 121 permit tcp host host eq 22

access-list 121 permit tcp host eq 22 host established

access-list 121 permit udp host host eq snmp

! Ping / Traceroute LAN Interface

access-list 122 permit icmp any host echo

access-list 122 permit icmp any host echo-reply

access-list 122 permit icmp any host ttl-exceeded

access-list 122 permit icmp any host packet-too-big

access-list 122 permit icmp any host port-unreachable

access-list 122 permit icmp any host unreachable

! Ping/Traceroute WAN Interface

access-list 122 permit icmp any host echo

access-list 122 permit icmp any host echo-reply

access-list 122 permit icmp any host ttl-exceeded

access-list 122 permit icmp any host packet-too-big

access-list 122 permit icmp any host port-unreachable

access-list 122 permit icmp any host unreachable

! Undesired Traffic

access-list 123 permit icmp any any fragments

access-list 123 permit udp any any fragments

access-list 123 permit tcp any any fragments

access-list 123 permit ip any any fragments

access-list 123 permit tcp any any eq bgp rst

! All Other Traffic

access-list 124 permit tcp any any

access-list 124 permit udp any any

access-list 124 permit icmp any any

access-list 124 permit ip any any


! Define Class-Maps

class-map match-all Catch-All-IP

 match access-group 124

class-map match-all Management

 match access-group 121

class-map match-all Normal

 match access-group 122

class-map match-all Undesirable

 match access-group 123

class-map match-all Routing

 match access-group 120


! Configure CoPP Policy

policy-map RTR_CoPP

 class Undesirable

  police 8000 1500 1500 conform-action drop  exceed-action drop

 class Routing

  police 100000 5000 5000 conform-action transmit  exceed-action transmit

 class Management

  police 100000 20000 20000 conform-action transmit  exceed-action drop

 class Normal

  police 50000 5000 5000 conform-action transmit  exceed-action drop

 class Catch-All-IP

  police 50000 5000 5000 conform-action transmit  exceed-action drop

 class class-default

  police 8000 1500 1500 conform-action transmit  exceed-action drop

! Apply CoPP Policy


 service-policy input RTR_CoPP


Complete Router Configuration

service timestamps debug datetime localtime show-timezone

service timestamps log datetime localtime show-timezone

service password-encryption!

hostname CE11






enable secret 5 $1$9Ah6$7tFkcd/bJRrHSx0grfmYA1


no aaa new-model

no ip source-route

no ip domain lookup


username cisco privilege 15 secret 5 $1$ZJAP$Hmq/nCv7qQcwPHyB4Ixdo0



class-map match-all Catch-All-IP

 match access-group 124

class-map match-all Management

 match access-group 121

class-map match-all Normal

 match access-group 122

class-map match-all Undesirable

 match access-group 123

class-map match-all Routing

 match access-group 120


policy-map RTR_CoPP

 class Undesirable

  police 8000 1500 1500 conform-action drop  exceed-action drop

 class Routing

  police 100000 5000 5000 conform-action transmit  exceed-action transmit

 class Management

  police 100000 20000 20000 conform-action transmit  exceed-action drop

 class Normal

  police 50000 5000 5000 conform-action transmit  exceed-action drop

 class Catch-All-IP

  police 50000 5000 5000 conform-action transmit  exceed-action drop

 class class-default

  police 8000 1500 1500 conform-action transmit  exceed-action drop



interface GigabitEthernet1

 description 'Out-of-Band Management'

 ip address

 no ip redirects

 no ip unreachables

 no ip proxy-arp

 negotiation auto


interface GigabitEthernet2

 description 'CE5->PE2'

 ip address

 no ip redirects

 no ip proxy-arp

 ip access-group martians in

 negotiation auto


interface GigabitEthernet3

 description 'LAN Segment'

 ip address

 no ip redirects

 no ip unreachables

 no ip proxy-arp

 ip verify unicast source reachable-via rx

 negotiation auto


router bgp 111100

 bgp log-neighbor-changes

 network mask

 neighbor remote-as 100

 neighbor description PE2

 neighbor password 7 14141B180F0B

 neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound

 neighbor prefix-list default-only in

 neighbor prefix-list originated-out out


virtual-service csr_mgmt


ip forward-protocol nd


no ip http server

no ip http secure-server

ip route

ip ssh rsa keypair-name ssh-key

ip ssh version 2


ip access-list extended martians

 deny   ip host any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 deny   ip any

 permit ip any any



ip prefix-list default-only seq 10 permit


ip prefix-list originated-out seq 10 permit

logging host

access-list 10 permit

access-list 10 permit

access-list 120 permit tcp any gt 1024 host eq bgp

access-list 120 permit tcp any eq bgp host gt 1024 established

access-list 121 permit tcp host host eq 22

access-list 121 permit tcp host eq 22 host established

access-list 121 permit udp host host eq snmp

access-list 122 permit icmp any host echo

access-list 122 permit icmp any host echo-reply

access-list 122 permit icmp any host ttl-exceeded

access-list 122 permit icmp any host packet-too-big

access-list 122 permit icmp any host port-unreachable

access-list 122 permit icmp any host unreachable

access-list 122 permit icmp any host echo

access-list 122 permit icmp any host echo-reply

access-list 122 permit icmp any host ttl-exceeded

access-list 122 permit icmp any host packet-too-big

access-list 122 permit icmp any host port-unreachable

access-list 122 permit icmp any host unreachable

access-list 124 permit tcp any any

access-list 124 permit udp any any

access-list 124 permit icmp any any

access-list 124 permit ip any any


snmp-server community t0ps3crrr3t RO 10




 service-policy input RTR_CoPP


banner motd ^C

Disconnect IMMEDIATELY if you are not an authorized user!



line con 0

 exec-timeout 11 0

 password d0ntt3ll

 stopbits 1

line vty 0 4

 access-class 10 in

 exec-timeout 11 0

 password d0ntt3ll

 login local

 transport input ssh




Juniper Configuration Blueprint – Single-Homed CE Device with EBGP


In this example, we will show recommended configuration for a Single-homed Single CE device using private AS with an upstream ISP. It is assumed that management of this device will be performed from a dedicated server residing within Customer’s Network.

This type of setup is quite common in an environment where a dedicated firewall performing source NAT function is setup to protect customer infrastructure.

Single-homed CE Device with EBGP
Single-homed CE Device with EBGP.

Please note, that the Management Station is connected directly to the LAN interface for illustration purpose only. In real production deployments it must be protected by a firewall.

BGP Configuration

BGP configuration can be split in the following tasks:

  • Accept the default route from the ISP while discarding all other advertisements that might be sent to your CE
  • Advertise your subnet ( while making sure that no other routers are erroneously injected
  • Secure BGP session by configuring a MD5 key


The actual configuration is comprised of the following blocks:

  1. Configure Local AS Number:
set routing-options autonomous-system 65001 
  1. Configure Two prefix lists – one with the subnet you’ll advertise upstream and the other one with the default route you’ll be receiving from your ISP:
set policy-options prefix-list LocallyOriginated

set policy-options prefix-list Default
  1. Create Policy Statements for the locally originated and default route:
set policy-options policy-statement Direct-To-BGP term 10 from protocol direct

set policy-options policy-statement Direct-To-BGP term 10 from prefix-list LocallyOriginated

set policy-options policy-statement Direct-To-BGP term 10 then accept

set policy-options policy-statement Direct-To-BGP term 999 then reject

set policy-options policy-statement Default term 10 from prefix-list Default

set policy-options policy-statement Default term 10 then accept

set policy-options policy-statement Default term 999 then reject
  1. Configure BGP Group for your Upstream ISP. Configure the “export” statement to advertise your subnet to the Internet and “import” statement to receive the default route. Configure MD5 Authentication Key. Make sure the description field includes the Circuit ID assigned to your link and ISP’s contact phone so you would not need to search for this information in an event of an outage.
set protocols bgp log-updown

set protocols bgp group ISP-AS100 type external

set protocols bgp group ISP-AS100 import Default

set protocols bgp group ISP-AS100 authentication-key "$9$9UPDt0IylMNdsEcds24DjCtu"

set protocols bgp group ISP-AS100 export Direct-To-BGP

set protocols bgp group ISP-AS100 peer-as 100

set protocols bgp group ISP-AS100 neighbor description "ISP FastAccess: Circuit GD8AJ12B: ISP NOC 800-111-2222"

Securing the Router

Next step is to secure the router itself. But default, it will pass any traffic (with some exceptions, not covered in this article) and accept connections from anywhere on the Internet. Your job is to make sure that only trusted sources can communicate with your device (control plane protection) and spoofed traffic is not allowed in and out of your network (data plane protection).

Data Plane Protection

We’ll start with the data plane, where we need to take care of packets leaving your network and packets coming in.

In our example, we were assigned a single IP subnet to be used within our network – As such, we should only allow traffic originated from this network as well our ISP-facing WAN interface to go out. There are a few ways to achieve this goal – configure uRFP on LAN interface, inbound firewall filter on LAN, or outbound filter on WAN. We’ll use the latter approach by setting up outbound WAN filter:

set firewall family inet filter accept-local term 10 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter accept-local term 10 then accept

set firewall family inet filter accept-local term 20 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter accept-local term 20 then accept

set firewall family inet filter discard-any term 10 then discard

set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet filter output-list accept-local

set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet filter output-list discard-any

We also need to make sure that the traffic coming from the Internet has a valid source IP. As we do not receive the full BGP feed from our upstream provider and cannot rely on uRPF, we will need to configure static filter that will discard all known “bad” sources also known as Martian blocks, while allowing all other traffic in:

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc919 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc919 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc1122 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc1122 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc1122 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc1122 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc1918 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc1918 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc1918 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc1918 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc2544 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc2544 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc3171 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc3171 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc3927 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc3927 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc5736 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc5736 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc5737 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc5737 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc5737 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc5737 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc6598 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc6598 then discard 

set firewall family inet filter accept-any term 10 then accept

set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet filter input-list discard-martian

set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet filter input-list discard-local

set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet filter input-list accept-any

Control Plane Protection

While it is important to discard malicious traffic that tries to pass through your router, it is even more important to drop bad packets destined to your infrastructure device. All router-bound traffic must be dropped unless it comes from a known and trusted source. In our example, we can trust ISP’s PE router as we’ll be establishing EBGP session with that device and dedicated server ( used for device management. We will also allow Ping and Traceroute packets. Everything else will be dropped.

set firewall family inet filter accept-protocols term bgp from source-address

set firewall family inet filter accept-protocols term bgp from protocol tcp

set firewall family inet filter accept-protocols term bgp from port bgp

set firewall family inet filter accept-protocols term bgp then accept

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ssh from source-address

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ssh from source-address

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ssh from protocol tcp

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ssh from destination-port ssh

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ssh then accept

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term snmp from source-address

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term snmp from protocol udp

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term snmp from destination-port snmp

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term snmp then accept

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ntp from source-address

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ntp from protocol udp

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ntp from port ntp

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ntp then accept

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term dns from source-address

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term dns from protocol udp

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term dns from protocol tcp

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term dns from source-port 53

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term dns then accept

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term icmp from protocol icmp

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term icmp from icmp-type echo-reply

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term icmp from icmp-type echo-request

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term icmp from icmp-type time-exceeded

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term icmp from icmp-type unreachable

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term icmp from icmp-type parameter-problem

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term icmp then accept

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term traceroute-udp from protocol udp

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term traceroute-udp from destination-port 33435-33450

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term traceroute-udp then accept

set firewall family inet filter discard-any term 10 then discard


These filters will be applied to Lo0 interface (Juniper’s Control plane interface).

set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet filter input-list accept-protocols

set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet filter input-list accept-management

set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet filter input-list accept-monitoring

set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet filter input-list discard-any

Complete Router Configuration

Configuration in Set Format:

set system host-name CE3-Downstream3

set system domain-name

set system time-zone America/New_York

set system no-redirects

set system root-authentication encrypted-password "abc"

set system name-server

set system login user bgphelp uid 2000

set system login user bgphelp class super-user

set system login user bgphelp authentication encrypted-password "abc"

set system services ssh root-login deny

set system services ssh protocol-version v2

set system syslog user * any emergency

set system syslog host any info

set system syslog file messages any any

set system syslog file messages authorization info

set system syslog file interactive-commands interactive-commands any

set system ntp server

set interfaces ge-0/0/1 description "'CE3->PE2'"

set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet filter input-list discard-martian

set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet filter input-list discard-local

set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet filter input-list accept-any

set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet filter output-list accept-local

set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet filter output-list discard-any

set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address

set interfaces ge-0/0/2 description "LAN Segment"

set interfaces ge-0/0/2 unit 0 family inet address

set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet filter input-list accept-protocols

set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet filter input-list accept-management

set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet filter input-list accept-monitoring

set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet filter input-list discard-any

set snmp location MarsDC:BAY12334:U123

set snmp contact "IP NOC 1-345-12-1234"

set snmp community f0ryoureyesonly clients

set snmp trap-group all version v2

set snmp trap-group all targets

set routing-options autonomous-system 65001

set protocols bgp log-updown

set protocols bgp group ISP-AS100 type external

set protocols bgp group ISP-AS100 import Default

set protocols bgp group ISP-AS100 authentication-key "$9$9UPDt0IylMNdsEcds24DjCtu"

set protocols bgp group ISP-AS100 export Direct-To-BGP

set protocols bgp group ISP-AS100 peer-as 100

set protocols bgp group ISP-AS100 neighbor description "ISP FastAccess: Circuit GD8AJ12B: ISP NOC 800-111-2222"

set policy-options prefix-list LocallyOriginated

set policy-options prefix-list Default

set policy-options policy-statement Default term 10 from prefix-list Default

set policy-options policy-statement Default term 10 then accept

set policy-options policy-statement Default term 999 then reject

set policy-options policy-statement Direct-To-BGP term 10 from protocol direct

set policy-options policy-statement Direct-To-BGP term 10 from prefix-list LocallyOriginated

set policy-options policy-statement Direct-To-BGP term 10 then accept

set policy-options policy-statement Direct-To-BGP term 999 then reject

set security forwarding-options family mpls mode packet-based

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc919 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc919 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc1122 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc1122 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc1122 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc1122 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc1918 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc1918 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc1918 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc1918 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc2544 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc2544 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc3171 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc3171 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc3927 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc3927 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc5736 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc5736 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc5737 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc5737 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc5737 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc5737 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc6598 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-martian term rfc6598 then discard

set firewall family inet filter discard-local term 10 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter discard-local term 10 then discard

set firewall family inet filter accept-any term 10 then accept

set firewall family inet filter accept-local term 10 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter accept-local term 10 then accept

set firewall family inet filter accept-local term 20 from source-address

set firewall family inet filter accept-local term 20 then accept

set firewall family inet filter discard-any term 10 then discard

set firewall family inet filter accept-protocols term bgp from source-address

set firewall family inet filter accept-protocols term bgp from protocol tcp

set firewall family inet filter accept-protocols term bgp from port bgp

set firewall family inet filter accept-protocols term bgp then accept

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ssh from source-address

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ssh from source-address

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ssh from protocol tcp

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ssh from destination-port ssh

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ssh then accept

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term snmp from source-address

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term snmp from protocol udp

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term snmp from destination-port snmp

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term snmp then accept

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ntp from source-address

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ntp from protocol udp

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ntp from port ntp

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term ntp then accept

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term dns from source-address

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term dns from protocol udp

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term dns from protocol tcp

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term dns from source-port 53

set firewall family inet filter accept-management term dns then accept

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term icmp from protocol icmp

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term icmp from icmp-type echo-reply

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term icmp from icmp-type echo-request

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term icmp from icmp-type time-exceeded

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term icmp from icmp-type unreachable

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term icmp from icmp-type parameter-problem

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term icmp then accept

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term traceroute-udp from protocol udp

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term traceroute-udp from destination-port 33435-33450

set firewall family inet filter accept-monitoring term traceroute-udp then accept

Configuration in Curly Braces Format:

system {
 host-name CE3-Downstream3;
 time-zone America/New_York;
 root-authentication {
  encrypted-password "abc"; ## SECRET-DATA
 name-server {;
 login {
 user bgphelp {
  uid 2000;
  class super-user;
  authentication {
   encrypted-password "abc"; ## SECRET-DATA
services {
 ssh {
  protocol-version v2;
 netconf {
syslog {
 user * {
  any emergency;
 host {
  any info;
 file messages {
  any any;
  authorization info;
 file interactive-commands {
  interactive-commands any;
archival {
 configuration {
  archive-sites {
   "scp://cfg:[email protected]/home/cfg/config-backups/";
ntp {
interfaces {
 ge-0/0/1 {
  description "'CE3->PE2'";
  unit 0 {
  family inet {
   filter {
    input-list [ discard-martian discard-local accept-any ];
    output-list [ accept-local discard-any ];
 ge-0/0/2 {
  description "LAN Segment";
  unit 0 {
   family inet {
 lo0 {
  unit 0 {
   family inet {
    filter {
    input-list [ accept-protocols accept-management accept-monitoring discard-any ];
snmp {
 location MarsDC:BAY12334:U123;
 contact "IP NOC 1-345-12-1234";
 community f0ryoureyesonly {
  clients {;
 trap-group all {
  version v2;
  targets {;
routing-options {
 static {
  route {
 autonomous-system 65001;
protocols {
 bgp {
  group ISP-AS100 {
   type external;
   import Default;
   authentication-key "$9$9UPDt0IylMNdsEcds24DjCtu"; ## SECRET-DATA
   export Direct-To-BGP;
   peer-as 100;
   neighbor {
    description "ISP FastAccess: Circuit GD8AJ12B: ISP NOC 800-111-2222";
policy-options {
 prefix-list LocallyOriginated {;
 prefix-list Default {;
 policy-statement Default {
  term 10 {
   from {
    prefix-list Default;
  then accept;
  term 999 {
   then reject;
 policy-statement Direct-To-BGP {
  term 10 {
   from {
    protocol direct;
    prefix-list LocallyOriginated;
   then accept;
  term 999 {
   then reject;
firewall {
 family inet {
  filter discard-martian {
   term rfc919 {
    from {
     source-address {;
    then {
   term rfc1122 {
    from {
     source-address {;;;
    then {
   term rfc1918 {
    from {
     source-address {;;;
    then {
   term rfc2544 {
    from {
     source-address {;
    then {
   term rfc3171 {
    from {
     source-address {;
    then {
   term rfc3927 {
    from {
     source-address {;
    then {
   term rfc5736 {
    from {
     source-address {;
    then {
   term rfc5737 {
    from {
     source-address {;;;
    then {
   term rfc6598 {
    from {
     source-address {;
    then {
  filter discard-local {
   term 10 {
    from {
     source-address {;
    then {
  filter accept-any {
   term 10 {
    then accept;
  filter accept-local {
   /* LAN Segment */
   term 10 {
    from {
     source-address {;
   then accept;
  /* Point-To-Point WAN Interface */
   term 20 {
    from {
     source-address {;
    then accept;
  filter discard-any {
   term 10 {
    then {
  filter accept-protocols {
   term bgp {
    from {
     source-address {;
     protocol tcp;
     port bgp;
    then accept;
  filter accept-management {
   term ssh {
    from {
     source-address {;;
    protocol tcp;
    port ssh;
   then accept;
  term snmp {
   from {
    source-address {;
    protocol udp;
    destination-port snmp;
   then accept;
   term ntp {
    from {
     source-address {;
     protocol udp;
     port ntp;
    then accept;
   term dns {
    from {
     source-address {;
     protocol [ udp tcp ];
     source-port 53;
    then accept;
   term netconf {
    from {
     source-address {;;
     protocol tcp;
     destination-port 830;
    then accept;
  filter accept-monitoring {
   term icmp {
    from {
     protocol icmp;
     icmp-type [ echo-reply echo-request time-exceeded unreachable source-quench router-advertisement parameter-problem ];
    then accept;
   term traceroute-udp {
    from {
     protocol udp;
     destination-port 33435-33450;
   then accept;


BGP for Enterprise Networks

BGP High Availability and Multihoming scenarios for Enterprise customers. Single ISP and Multi-ISP Redundancy.


In this article, we will focus on building reliable Internet access to Enterprise branches. We will discuss single- and multi-homing scenarios and how BGP protocol can be leveraged in these deployments.  While IPv4-based examples will be provided, this paper is also applicable to IPv6 deployment scenarios. The focus of this paper is Internet connectivity, although discussed techniques can be used for other types of connectivity, such as private IP VPN.

Enterprise BGP Internet Connectivity Options
Enterprise BGP Internet Connectivity Options

Single-homed network

As the name suggests, single-homed network is the network with just one external link. This is the type of Internet connectivity you have at home and the most common implementation scenario for small branch locations. It is simple, inexpensive and readily available. Your service provider might allocate a single IP address to the branch, requiring you to do NAT on border device, or might give you a large block allowing to assign Internet-reachable IP addresses to all branch devices.

Enterprise BGP Internet Connectivity - Single Homed Site
Single Homed Site

If you were allocated only one IP address that is configured on ISP-facing interface of your border router, all you need to

  • Setup default route pointing towards ISP’s network
  • Select RFC1918 prefix that will be used to address your LAN infrastructure
  • Configure NAT

If ISP did provide you with a large Internet-routable block, you should come to an agreement on how this block will be advertised to the Internet.

The most common scenario is the static configuration on ISP’s edge router to point to your device. For example, branch A was assigned prefix.

ISP will do two things:

  • Configure Static Route for pointing to your Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) router
  • Redistribute this static route into one of dynamic routing protocols, making the rest of ISP A’s infrastructure aware of the network that was assigned to you

On your end, you will configure default route to point to ISP A’s router, and assign given network to CPE’s branch-facing interface.

Even in a single-homed scenario, it is possible to use dynamic routing protocols to advertise prefix and accept default route from the ISP, although there is no technical benefit in doing this.

As your company grows, you might have additional offices to connect to the Internet. If these offices are connected in a similar fashion, you will still be using “Single-Homed” implementation.

Single Homed Multiple Sites
Single Homed Multiple Sites

It is not uncommon to use different Service Providers to connect different branches, yet all your connections will still be “Single-Homed.”

Single Homed Multiple Sites
Single Homed Multiple Sites


Multi-Homing Overview

Assuming Internet connectivity is critical to your business, having a single link between ISP and your offices is a recipe for disaster. Equipment failure, fiber cuts, maintenance windows and DDoS attacks are common sources of Internet outages. In order to protect yourself, you should consider Internet multi-homing, where your branches will have an alternate path to the Internet in case of the primary link failure. While many Service Providers will be happy to sell you “redundant” Internet connectivity, it is important to understand that there are many levels of redundancy. Diagram below shows some examples, starting with the least reliable option of the secondary circuit being terminated on the same routers, and all the way to dual-homing scenario where your branch is connected to two ISP’s via two fully redundant paths.

Enterprise Multi Homing Scenarios
Enterprise Multi Homing Scenarios

Multi-Homing Scenario 1 – Same PE / CE

The simplest and the least reliable multi-homing scenario is where two physical links are terminated on the same Layer 3 devices on both ends. Depending on ISP’s capabilities, this service might be delivered over the same (e.g. two T1 circuits) or different access (e.g. DSL and LTE) media technologies. While it is recommended to avoid this type of setups if high availability is your primary concern, this might be the only option in some geographical areas.

Multi Homed Single PE/CE
Multi Homed Single PE/CE

Branch device configuration will be dictated by ISP’s service offerings and might include the following options

  • For common access technology, ISP might offer transport bonding, where one L3 paths is created from multiple physical links. This might be called T1 bonding, Ethernet Port Channel, Ethernet Link Aggregation, etc.
  • In case of dissimilar technologies, two L3 paths will be created. Most commonly, these two paths will be configured in Active / Standby mode, where the primary path takes all the traffic until it is declared unusable. Then the traffic will switch over to the secondary path. Failure detection mechanisms will vary from ISP to ISP and might include L2 OAM, BFD, L3 routing.

While BGP protocol can be used for failure detection and load-balancing in single PE / single CE scenario, it provides limited benefit to you as the end user.

Multi-Homing Scenario 2 – Different PEs / Single CE

The second common scenario is the one where branch’s Internet circuits are terminated on two PE devices as shown below, while you continue to utilize single device at the branch site.

Multi Homed Dual PE Single CE
Multi Homed Dual PE Single CE

Your ISP might have the capability to join two physical devices into a single logical L3 node, meaning that the rest of the network (including CPE at your site) will see this combined system as a single router. The obvious benefit of this type of technology is improved availability of the service, as failure of one node will not cause an outage for dual-homed customers. There are also some known drawbacks, for example software bug or configuration mistake is likely to impact both ISP’s nodes at the same time.

The second scenario is the one where two PE devices are completely independent of each other. Most likely, this will mean that one of the physical paths will be designated as “primary” and the second as “secondary.” Both static routing and BGP are commonly used for these deployments, so let’s review both cases.

If you opt out to use static routing, ISP will configure static routes on their primary and secondary PE devices pointing to your CPE as shown below. They will then redistribute these routes into their routing protocol of choice, such as IBGP.

Multi Homed Dual PE Single CE Static Routing
Multi Homed Dual PE Single CE Static Routing

ISP will also need to make sure that there is a reliable mechanism in place to detect link failure condition between your branch CPE and PE router. BFD is a popular option, although not all platforms can support it.

On the CPE side, you’ll need to configure two static routes pointing to the primary and the secondary PE devices. You have a choice of configuring these two routes with the same metric (admin distance in Cisco’s terms) or different metrics. If both of your paths have the same characteristics (bandwidth and latency), configuring equal metrics is a viable option. If your paths are not the same, for example 10Mb Ethernet as primary and T1 as secondary, configuring the primary one with lower metric and the secondary one with higher metric would make more sense.

If you decide to use BGP instead of the static routing, you’ll need to do a few things:

  • Request Private BGP Autonomous System (AS) Number from your ISP, unless you have a public AS assigned to you by the Regional Internet Registry
  • Find out what BGP AS is being used by your Service Provider
  • Agree on MD5 keys to use for your EBGP sessions
  • Ask your ISP to advertise default-route only. There is no need for you to get the full BGP view, too many routes might overwhelm your CPE device.
  • Ask what communities are supported by your ISP to identify the primary and the secondary paths
  • Advertise the prefix that was assigned to you with corresponding communities

Let’s assume that your ISP supports the following communities:

  • 1111:100 – primary Internet path
  • 1111:90 – secondary Internet path

Configure BGP sessions as shown below. Make sure you only advertise the prefix assigned to you by the ISP and not your internal routes.

Multi Homed Dual PE Single CE BGP Routing
Multi Homed Dual PE Single CE BGP Routing

Multi-Homing Scenario 3 – Different PEs and CEs

The third scenario requires physical router redundancy on both Service Provider’s and Customer’s sites. There are a few deployment options to be considered.

Analogous to how Service Provider might combine two physical nodes to work as a single L3 device, you can employ similar technique on your end. This can be done by leveraging proprietary vendor implementations, such as Virtual Switching Systems, Virtual Chassis, firewall clusters, etc. If you take this route, you will effectively create a single L3 node, so configuration techniques discussed in “Scenario 2” section would be applicable to this use case.

Multi Homed Dual PE Dual CE Options
Multi Homed Dual PE Dual CE Options

If two CPE’s are not combined, you will need to rely on routing protocols to forward traffic to and from the Internet. Both static routing and BGP can still be used in a dual-CPE deployment. Let’s discuss static routing deployment first.

With static routing, your Service Provider will configure static routing and routing redistribution the same way they’d have configured it in a single-CPE scenario, but configuration of the CPE device at the customer site will be more complex.

Multi Homed Dual PE Dual CE Options with HSRP/VRRP
Multi Homed Dual PE Dual CE Options with HSRP/VRRP


  • On both CE1 and CE2 devices, configure static default routes pointing to corresponding PE devices
  • Decide which CPE device will be used as the primary router for Internet connectivity
  • Configure either VRRP or HSRP between your CPE devices. Primary device should have higher VRRP/HSRP priority. Allow pre-emption.
  • Configure upstream interface tracking and VRRP/HSRP priority change on upstream link failure.
  • As an additional protection mechanism, consider enabling IP SLA to monitor the status of ISP’s PE device modifying HSRP/VRRP priority if the device becomes unreachable. This helps to avoid blackholing if CE1 is unable to detect link failure or if PE1 experiences issues while keeping interfaces in “up” state.

While static routing configuration might be preferred by some network administrators in dual-PE / dual-CPE deployment due to its simplicity, BGP-based configuration is a valid and in many cases preferred alternative.

Multi Homed Dual PE Dual CE Options with HSRP/VRRP and BGP
Multi Homed Dual PE Dual CE Options with HSRP/VRRP and BGP

To get BGP going, follow these configuration steps:

  • Request Private BGP Autonomous System (AS) Number from your ISP, unless you have a public AS assigned to you by the Regional Internet Registry. You will only need one AS Number as both CE devices belong to the same site.
  • Find out what public AS is being used by your Service Provider
  • Agree on MD5 keys to use, this will secure your EBGP session
  • Ask your ISP to advertise default-route only. There is no need for you to get the full BGP view
  • Ask what communities are supported by your ISP to identify the primary and the secondary paths
  • Advertise the prefix that was assigned to you with corresponding communities via EBGP session
  • Configure IBGP session between CE devices. The purpose of this IBGP session is to exchange the default route learned from the ISP between CE devices. Under normal conditions, this IBGP-learned route will not be used as EBGP path will be preferred. But IBGP-learned prefix will get utilized when CE-PE link failure.
  • Configure VRRP between CE devices.
  • Configure upstream interface tracking and VRRP/HSRP priority change on upstream link failure. Although with IBGP session in place, you will not experience traffic blackholing, VRRP failover will help you to bypass CE router with failed upstream link.


Multi-Homing Scenario 4 – Multiple ISPs

The last and the most reliable multi-homing scenario is the one where your network is connected to different service providers. As always, there are multiple flavors of this implementation.

Multihoming to different ISPs
Multihoming to different ISPs

But before we go into implementation details, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are there any services hosted within your branch location that need to be reachable via the Internet? An example of these services can be VPN concentrator, Web, Mail or File Server.
  • Can those services support multiple external IP addresses and take care of seamless failover if public IP changes? For example, Email server can be assigned two public IP addresses – one provided by the ISP A and the second IP provided by ISP B. Two DNS MX records pointing to these IP addresses will take care of the service failover. Other services, such as Web server, while capable of being reachable via multiple external IPs, will not perform well if one of the IP addresses goes away. DNS records will need to be updated to purge no longer reachable IP address, sessions in progress will drop and user experience will suffer.
  • Can non-graceful failover be tolerated for inside-out connectivity (users in the branch trying to reach the Internet)? Is it acceptable if all user’s session will drop and users will need to reconnect to the resources they’ve used on the Internet?

If your users can accept short period of service interruption when traffic fails over from one ISP to another, and you are not hosting any mission critical Internet-facing services in your branch location, you have a simpler problem to solve. This is nothing but a single-homed network scenario we described at the very beginning of this article, repeated twice. Your service providers will allocate IP Prefixes from their respective routable IP pools, and you will have two independent IP ranges to assign to the end devices at your branch site. Most network administrators would setup a firewall cluster and configure NAT pools using IP addresses provided by the ISPs for NAT pools. As you will be configuring two default routes on your firewall cluster pointing to two different Service Providers, there will be a need to implement policy-based routing on your device to make sure traffic with a wrong source IP is not being sent. For example, you got allocation from ISP A and from ISP B.

Multihoming to different ISPs with Firewall Cluster
Multihoming to different ISPs with Firewall Cluster

Please note that you should never try to send packets with source IP in range to ISP B and packets with source IP to ISP A, as ISP’s anti-spoofing mechanisms such as uRPF might drop these packets. Your policy-based routing configuration should check the source IP of the packet and send it via correct egress interface.

If the services hosted in your branch location require 100% uptime and cannot allow external IP change, you must implement BGP. You’ll need to follow the steps outlined below:

  • Make sure your Internet providers can support BGP over your transport media. For example, some ISPs will allow you to run BGP over T1 and Ethernet-based links but not over DSL and 3G and LTE.
  • Request Public Autonomous System (AS) number from one of the Regional Internet Registries (ARIN, RIPE, APNIC, LACNIC or AFRINIC). In order to qualify for AS, you will need to meet the following requirements: “If you are qualifying under the multihomed policy you will need to provide the exterior gateway protocol to be used, the IP addresses currently in use on your network, the AS number and name of each of your upstream providers and/or peers along with contractual verification of service with at least two of them.” Source:
  • Request publicly-routable IP prefix. This might become the most difficult part of your project. Due to IPv4 depletion, it is very unlikely that you will be able to get direct allocation from one of the RIRs. This means that you will need to get routable IPv4 space from one of your ISPs, and get their permission to start BGP advertisement of this space from your own AS via a different ISP!

Here is an example to illustrate this scenario. Imagine, that ISP A was assigned by RIPE. Being a good Internet citizen, ISP A advertises this aggregate block via BGP to the Internet, while suppressing smaller advertisements.

Multihoming to different ISPs using BGP - Diagram 1
Multihoming to different ISPs using BGP

ISP B receives this advertisement as a part of the Global Routing Table update either from ISP A (assuming ISP A and ISP B maintain direct peering relationships), or via 3-rd party service provider. The same applies to all other companies that participate in the global BGP.

Now, let’s pretend that ISP A assigned prefix to your Site A. Information about this network would need to be propagated within ISP A’s network, so that traffic coming from the global Internet could find its way to your circuit, but specific advertisement does not have to be sent to the Internet. that is currently being advertised already includes block, making it reachable from everywhere. More specific advertisement originated from your Site A will be suppressed by ISP A and will not be leaked to the Global Internet.

Multihoming to different ISPs using BGP
Multihoming to different ISPs using BGP

It is not important if ISP A uses static routing between their PE device or rely on BGP – in order to be good internet citizens, they should suppress advertisement.

As your end goal is to start advertising  from your own AS, let’s review the following example, assuming that ISP A’s public AS number is 1, ISP B’s Public AS number is 2 and your company got assigned AS 9999.

In the initial state, when ISP A receives advertisement originated from AS 9999 they will not propagate it to the Global Internet. This is perfectly fine, as the only way for the Internet to reach Site A is via ISP A, and ISP A already originates an aggregate block. By sending your to the rest of the Internet, ISP A will increase the size of Global BGP table for everybody without achieving any benefits.

Multihoming to different ISPs using BGP - Diagram 3
Multihoming to different ISPs using BGP

Your next step is to establish EBGP peering between Site A and ISP B and advertise to ISP B. You will need to get an approval from ISP A for this, and you will need to present this approval to ISP B.

As ISP B does not own or any part of, there is no way for the to aggregate /24 prefix, so they will re-advertise your prefix to the rest of the Internet. Now we observe an interesting paradox, where the global Internet starts using ISP B to send traffic to your Site A, despite the fact that prefix is owned by ISP A. You can attempt to do AS prepend on your advertisements towards ISP B, but it will not make a difference, as more specific route will always win. The only traffic you might observe on your ISP A – Site A link is the traffic originated from ISP A’s direct clients.

Multihoming to different ISPs using BGP - Diagram 4
Multihoming to different ISPs using BGP

If redundancy is your only concern and ISP A is fine with the fact that the majority of your traffic is being sent via their competitor, you can stop here. Failover will work as it is. If your CE2 or CE2 to ISP B’s link goes down, or even if the entire ISP B disappears, traffic will get rerouted via ISP A thanks to the aggregate block being advertised by ISP A.

If this situation is not acceptable and you due to load-balancing requirements or ISP A insists on seeing CE1 – ISP A  being used under normal conditions, ISP A will have no choice but to stop suppressing your specific advertisement and start leaking originated from AS 9999 to their peers. This will take care of the traffic coming to the Internet and destined to your network. It is not possible to say ahead of time what percentage of the incoming traffic will come via ISP A vs ISP B, but there will be some level of load balancing.

The next step is to figure out the best way to send the traffic from your site to the Internet. The simplest solution is to accept the default route from both ISP A and ISP B. If you have a preference for the primary path, you can configure ingress BGP policy and set higher BGP local preference for the default route coming from either ISP A or ISP B. If your routers are capable of supporting the full BGP view (meaning they can handle close to 1Mln routes), you can request your ISPs to send you the full Internet routing table. Leave it to BGP to decide what path to take to reach the Internet destinations. And don’t forget to configure IBGP session between your CE devices!